We are so very grateful for the generous donations that allow us to assist rescue organizations in need. You can help sustain the HPAN mission by scanning the QR codes to make a donation via Venmo or PayPal.

HPAN Mission
Our mission is to assist local state-registered, non-profit rescue organizations in Anderson and surrounding Tennessee counties with funds to help animals that are hurting, hungry, or homeless. Sponsorship is provided for vet services, food, and emergency boarding.
About HPAN
Helping Paws Animal Network (HPAN) was established in April 2011 as a grassroots organization in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. HPAN became incorporated as a nonprofit organization, gaining tax exempt status under IRS Section 501(c)(3), in August 2013. Our purpose is to raise funds to assist nonprofit, state-registered rescue organizations in our mission area. (Anderson and surrounding Tennessee counties). Funds from donations and sales/auctions hosted on social media (and occasional booth-type community events) are used primarily for veterinary services and emergency boarding.